Community Reporters #MyVoiceCounts: Voices Facing Climate Change and Environmental Pollution

In a world where climate change and pollution are growing threats, a team of children and adolescents from the community reporters project #MyVoiceCounts has decided to act. With a deep environmental awareness, these young reporters are documenting the most pressing issues in their surroundings: the accumulation of trash in recreational areas and the air pollution caused by recurrent forest fires across the country.

The impact of trash in parks and plazas is not only an eyesore; it affects biodiversity and the health of those who frequent these places. Through their reports, the youth have shown how plastic waste, glass, and other debris take years to degrade, harming the soil and endangering local wildlife.

Moreover, they have highlighted the growing threat of forest fires, which worsen air pollution each year, directly affecting their rights to health and education. The reporters have investigated how the smoke not only darkens the sky but also directly harms the health of children, adolescents, and the elderly. “It causes headaches, eye irritation, and shortness of breath,” mentions Aide in her report, adding that the educational impact is significant: “We went from in-person classes to virtual learning, which does not support content progression, and many children and adolescents cannot participate in these virtual spaces due to a lack of connection, devices, or necessary resources.” The fires also destroy vast forest areas, contributing to climate change by releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, added another teenager.

The work of these reporters is having a significant impact on their communities. Their reports have inspired cleanup drives in public areas and awareness campaigns on proper waste disposal. Additionally, they have succeeded in bringing the need for fire prevention to the local agenda, addressing irresponsible practices that cause these disasters.

The most notable achievement has been the community’s commitment to mitigation actions. Thanks to the voices of these reporters, measures are being implemented to protect the environment, demonstrating that community journalism can be a powerful tool for creating tangible change.

In summary, the community reporters are not only informing about the environmental crisis but are also inspiring others to take action. The combination of environmental awareness and the ability to communicate is leading their community toward a cleaner and more sustainable future.

The message is clear: when children and adolescents have the power to communicate, they also have the power to change their community.